| MIL-L-45550A(WC) Free hinging testing. A sample of 800 links from each in-
spection lot shall be tested for free hinging requirements using test
method specified in 4.6.2. If one or more links fail to meet the require-
ments it shall be cause for rejection of the lot. Cartridge linking testing. Sample links shall be taken
from each inspection lot in accordance with MIL-STD-105 and size code
letter N, regardless of the quantity in the inspection lot and tested
for cartridge linking using the test method specified in 4.6.3. Accept-
ance shall be based on an AQL 0.40 percent defective. Cartridge stripping testing. Sample links shall be taken
from each inspection lot in accordance with MIL-STD-105 and size code
letter N, regardless of the quantity in the inspection lot and tested
for cartridge stripping using the test method specified in 4.6.4.
Acceptance shall be based on an AQL of 0.40 percent defective. Tab radii testing. A sample of three links taken from each
lot shall be tested using test method specified in 4.6.5. Failure of any
link to meet the requirements shall cause rejection of the represented
4.5.4 Inspection equipment Acquisition, maintenance and disposition. Unless other-
wise specified, responsibility for acquisition, maintenance and disposi-
tion of acceptance inspection and test equipment prescribed on the List
of Inspection Equipment, Drawing IEL7791440, and for all other inspection
equipment required to perform inspection prescribed by applicable spec-
ifications, shall be in accordance with MIL-I-45607. Accuracy of standard measuring equipment. When commercial
and modified commercial inspection and test equipment is used, it must
tolerance of the characteristic being inspected.
Test method
4.6.1 Carburization and decarburization. The cross section of the
sample links (see shall be polished, etched with a 3-5% Nital
solution and examined under a microscope of not less than 500 power to
determine compliance with the carburization or decarburization require-
ments of
4.6.2 Free hinging test. The sample links shall be tested for
free hinging requirement (see 3.2.2) by assembling the links into 20-
round belts using Government standard caliber .50 dummy cartridges.
Each belt shall be laid out horizontally to its full length and one end
shall be drawn back upon the remainder of the belt until the belt is
completely reversed. One end of the reversed belt shall then be drawn
up on the remainder of the belt until the belt is returned to its
original position.
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