| MIL-L-45589
Government representative, an interchangeability retest may be allowed
without reconditioning the lot of launchers. Failure in the retest
shall cause rejection of the represented lot subject to reconditioning
and further test as a reconditioned lot. A sample of 20 launchers
from each retest or reconditioned lot shall be tested using the same
procedure described above. Concurrent repair parts. The contractor shall subject
at least two parts from each inspection lot of current repair parts
to the interchangeability test specified in Failure of any
part to meet the requirements shall be cause for rejection of the rep-
resented lot of parts subject to reconditioning and further test as a
reconditioned lot. A sample of double the number of parts used in the
original test shall be tested from each reconditioned lot using the test
method specified in Interplant. When launchers are manufactured concurrently
by more than one contractor, each contractor shall forward monthly to a
testing agency designated by the procuring agency, five launchers for
the interplant interchangeability test specified in (see 6.1).
The contractor will be informed of any failure of the launchers to meet
prescribed requirements. Upon completion of inspection by the testing
agency, samples may be commercially packaged and will be returned to
the contractor for reexamination and repackaging in accordance with
procurement documents at the contractor's expense. Endurance testing. One launcher selected by the Government
representative from each months production shall be tested by the con-
tractor for endurance using the test methods specified in 4,5.5 and If the endurance requirements of 3.9.17 are not met, the rep-
resented lot shall be rejected and the contractor shall: Conduct a failure analysis by perfoming a dimensional,
physical and visual examination (as applicable of the parts which are
suspected to be cause of the failed components or malfunctions. Within two (2) weeks after completing the failure analysis
study, forward a report of the study to the quality Assurance Representative
and to Commanding General, U.S. Army Weapons Command, Attn: AMSWE-QA,
Rock Island, Illinois 61201. Evaluate and correct the applicable production processes
and procedures to prevent recurrence of the same defects in future pro-
duction. Examine launchers, partially assembled launchers, and
components (including parts and subassemblies at either or both in-process
or final assembly) to insure that material containing the same or similar
defects is purged from the inventory and not presented to the Government
for acceptance.
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