| MIL-L-45589 Upon instruction from AMSWE-QA, resume testing of the
launcher which failed the endurance test, or retest an additional sample
of two (2) launchers from same lot or reconditioned lot for endurance
testing. In the event the cause of the failed components or malfunctions
cannot be determined the contractor shall request through the Administrative
Contracting Officer, technical assistance from the procuring activity. Certification. The contractor shall be responsible for
testing necessary to accomplish certification. For each inspection lot
of launchers, the contractor shall provide the Government representative
with certified statements of compliance with applicable drawings and
specifications for the following materials and processes:
(a) Touch-up procedures (see MIL-W-13855).
(b) Torque of screws (see Drawing F7790600).
(c) Pin, Straight, Headless (see Drawing A7790637). Component parts and concurrent repair parts testing. Raw
material testing and part testing shall be performed in accordance with
the criteria specified in the contract (see 6.1). Statements of finding
will include chemical analysis and physical tests of materials, and
tests of protective finish, heat treatment, bonding, and function of
parts as applicable. The contractor shall accomplish these tests prior
to assembly of parts into the end item or submission for acceptance as
repair parts. Packaging testing. Launchers. The contractor shall furnish the Government representative
with certification that the packaging materials conform to the applicable
packaging data sheets and specifications. Determination of cleanliness. The contractor shall
test items from each inspection lot for cleanliness using the test methods
specified in Sampling shall be in accordance with MIL-P-116. Heat-sealed seam and vacuum retention. The contractor
shall test level A unit packages from each inspection lot for heat-sealed
seam and vacuum retention using the test methods specified in
and respectively. Sampling shall be in a ccordance with MIL-P-116. Repair parts. Testing of packaging of repair parts shall
be performed in accordance with the criteria specified in the contract
(see 6.1).
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