| ![]() MIL-L-45589
4.5.5 Pressure resistance, functioning, and endurance tests.
Launchers shall be tested for pressure resistance, functioning, and endur-
ante using the firing fixture conforming to Drawing F7799093 assembled
with parts conforming to Drawing D7799065. Test results attributable to
faulty ammunition shall not be counted against the launcher being tested.
The pressure resistance and functioning tests shall be performed concur-
rently. Pressure resistance. Launchers shall. be tested for pressure
resistance requirement (see 3.9.14) by firing one round of test ammunition
(see 4.4.2). Each barrel shall have been penetrant inspected before ap-
plication of final protective finish prior to this test. Launchers shall
be visually examined for cracks, deformations, and other evidence of
damage, and cartridge cases shall be visually examined for bulges, splits,
rings, and other defects caused by defective barrels. Proof marks shall
be applied as indicated on the applicable drawing on launchers that have
passed this test. Functioning. Launchers shall be tested for functioning
requirement (see 3.9.15) by firing one round of test ammunition (see Endurance. Launchers shall be tested for endurance require-
ment (see 3.9.17) A total of 1,000 rounds shall be fired from the test
launcher. If a malfunction or unserviceable part occurs, the contractor
shall stop testing and shall take actions specified in through Launchers shall be cleaned and oiled after each 200 rounds
and at the close of each day's firing, but no part shall be altered. only
parts broken or worn to the extent that they are unserviceable shall. be
replaced. A complete record shall be kept for each endurance test
showing each malfunction and part replacement including the number of
the round at which each occurred and corrective action taken. At the completion of the endurance test, launchers shall
be disposed of as specified in the contract (see 6.1).
4.5.6 Alinement of sight test. Launchers shall be tested for sight alinement after the
firing tests using the sight alinement fixture conforming to Drawing
F8440196 in accordance with instructions contained on Drawing A8443455.
With the sight assembly set at zero windage and the alinement scope
mounted on the sights, the cross hairs viewed through the alinement scope
shall be superimposed on the sighting image for the 200-meter position.
This shall be accomplished by movement of the rear sight aperture for
elevation and the front sight for azimuth. The front sight may be moved
as necessary provided that it does not overhang the tenon on the barrel
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