| MIL-L-45963
- Sampling Procedures and Tables for
Inspection by Attributes.
- Quality Assurance Terms and Defini-
Rock Island Arsenal
- Loader Assembly, Delinking, Aircraft
Machine Gun MAU-69A/A.
IEL-11013208 - Index of Inspection Equipment Lists.
Rock Island Arsenal
Packaging Data Sheet for Loader Assembly,
Delinking 2 Aircraft Machine Gun MAU-69A/A
(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications re-
quired by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions
should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the
contracting officer.)
3.1 First article. The requirements for submission of the first
article shall be as specified in the contract (see 6.2). Unless other
wise specified (see 6.1), the first article shall include the pilot
pack (see 5.1).
3.2 Materials, construction, and design The loader shall conform
to the materials, construction, and design requirements, specified herein,
on Drawing 65D9843, and in MIL-W-13855.
3.2.1 End cap. The end cap shall be securely retained on the
housing assembly by the retaining screw so that there shall be no re-
lative movement.
3.2.2 Handle. The handle shall be securely attached to the loader
crank by the self-locking nut and shall rotate without binding on the
handle stem.
3.2.3 Identification plate. The identification plate shall be die
stamped or etched in accordance with the applicable drawing and shall be
securely attached to the housing assembly by the drive screws so that
there shall be no relative movement.
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