| MIL-L-48063A(MI)
the launcher must remain sealed. Immediately upon completion of the
environmental conditioning, the following tests shall be performed:
Pressure retention, detent operation and rocket loading. There shall
also be a visual examination for physical damage to the launcher,
and for intervalometer advancement. Salt fog. The launcher with shipping covers in place shall
be subjected to a salt fog test as specified in MIL-STD-81O, Method 509 with
the exception that the test period shall be 50 hours. This exposure shall
not have deteriorated the operability of the launcher. Immediately upon
completion of the environmental conditioning, the sample shall be visually
examined for damage or defects and the following tests shall be performed:
Simulated Firing, Insulation Resistance and Continuity. Upon completion of a
48 hour dry period, the above tests shall be repeated. Static loading tests. The launcher without shipping covers
shall be suspended from a pylon simulating or consisting of an Aero 14 type
combination bomb rack and rocket launcher rack. The launcher shall be
subjected to the following static loads in accordance with MIL-A-8591:
2750 20 pounds (13 g) acting downward
1800 20 pounds (8.5 g) to the side (horizontal)
2750 20 pounds (13 g) acting rearward
2750 20 pounds (13 g) acting forward
Application of test loading shall be achieved in such a manner that the
loads are equally divided among the launching tubes and are uniformly
distributed over the length of each. The side (horizontal) and downward
loadings shall be applied simultaneously. The axes of the applied loads
shall intersect on the centerline of the launcher package at a point
midway between suspension hangers. The forward and rearward forces shall
be applied along the centerline of the launcher package. The load shall
be evenly distributed over the face of the aft bulkhead and the reaction
of this load shall be evenly distributed through both hanger lugs. Test
samples shall withstand the specified loads without structural failure.
Upon completion of the environmental conditioning, the sample shall be
visually examined for damaged or defects and the rocket loading test
shall be performed. Static firing test. The loaded launcher with shipping
covers removed shall be suspended from a bomb rack or simulated bomb
rack having 14 inch suspension provisions and test fired. The potential
at the launcher connector shall be 20.0 0.5 volts DC. There shall
be 5 ohm limiting resistor in series with the launcher intervalometer.
The launcher shall be capable of igniting all functional rockets in a
normal manner, remain intact on the suspension device and sustain no
damage other than peeling and/or darkening of the exposed surfaces.
The firing sequence shall consist of ripple firing the loaded launcher
followed by 23 rounds fired from one of the tubes and ripple firing
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