| ![]() MIL-L-48407B(MU ) Operating input voltage.- This test shall be performed in
conjunction with The laser input voltage shall be set at 18 VDC
and 30 VDC while performing tests and Also, the time
between input voltage and the laser light emitted, as measured in accord-
ance with 4.6.5, shall conform to the requirements of,,
4.6.6 Sealing. - This test shall be performed utilizing special
test equipment. The pressure testing equipment to test sealing of the
laser trainer shall conform to the internal pressure test requirements
of Drawing F8565556, pressure - two station, to conform to the require-
ments of 3.3.6. At the conclusion of this test the trainer shall be
pressurized in accordance with the requirements of
4.6.7 Collimation. - This test shall be performed utilizing the
special collimation fixture Drawing F11739406 to determine compliance
with 3.3.7. With the laser trainer installed into the collimation fixture
and mode switch on "Continuous" depress push button. The laser beam
shall be directed on a 200 20 foot target shall be parallel to the
longitudinal axis of the mounting ring as specified in 3.3.7.
4.6.8 Reverse polarity protection. - This test shall be performed
in conjunction with With the input voltage reversed, negative
24 6 VDC to the laser trainer input terminal and positive 24 6 VDC
to mounting ring (ground). The laser trainer shall not be damaged as
set forth in 3.3.8.
4.6.9 Multipurpose carrying case. - Certification shall be provided
to insure that the carrying case successfully met the inspection require-
ments of SQAP 11743778 to insure compliance with 3.3.9.
5.1 Packaging, packing and marking. - Packaging, packing and marking
shall be in accordance with Packaging Data Sheet 11741700 for Laser, Trainer,
M55 and 10554640 for Laser, Trainer, M55 W/E. The level of protection shall
be as specified in the contract.
6.1 Intended use. - The Laser, Gunnery Trainer is a training device
which will mount in the M73 Machine Gun Mount of the M48A3 Tank, M60 Tank,
M60Al Tank and AR/AW M551 and permit year round training indoors or out-
doors in the techniques of zeroing, accuracy and rapidity of laying the
gun using direct fire sights. The Laser, Trainer M55 in conjunction with
the Trainer, Field Artillery; Direct Fire (laser): 11746409 is used in
training Howitzer Sections on the 105-MM Howitzer M102 Towed, 105mm Howitzer
M101 self-propelled, 105mm Howitzer Ml14Al Towed, 155mm Howitzer M109Al self-
propelled, 105mm Howitzer XM204 Towed and the 155mm Howitzer XM198 Towed.
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