| ![]() MIL-L-63532C(AR)
4.4.3 Testing. Testing is described in the First Article and
Quality Conformance Inspection Tables.
4.4.4 Inspection equipment. The inspection equipment
required to perform the examinations and tests prescribed herein
is described in the "Paragraph Reference/Inspection Method" column
in the tables starting with paragraph The contractor
shall submit for approval, inspection equipment designs in
accordance with the terms of the contract. See section 6 of
MIL-A-48078 and paragraph 6.3 herein.
Test methods and procedures.
4.5.1 Salt spray. This test shall be conducted in accordance
with ASTM B117. Observation shall be made for compliance with the
applicable requirement in DOD-P-16232. Parts so tested shall not
be returned to the lot.
4.5.2 Hardness. Hardness testing
shall be conducted in
accordance with ASTM E18. Observation
shall be made for the
applicable drawing requirement. Parts
so tested may be returned
to the lot provided the performance of
the link is not affected by
the test.
4.5.3 Decarburization. The cross section of the sample links
shall be polished, etched with a 3 to 5% Nital solution and
examined under a microscope of not less than 500 power.
Observation shall be made for compliance with the applicable
drawing requirement.
4.5.4 Phosphate coating. The sample links shall be weighed
to the nearest milligram (mg). The coating on the links shall
then be completely removed from the links by means of a chromic
acid stripping solution. The links shall then be rinsed, dried
and re-weighed. If the difference between the total weight before
and after removal of the phosphate coating divided by the number
of links tested is less than 10.2 mg, the lot shall be rejected.
4.5.5 Snap -on assembly. Place the first sample link to be
tested, loop gap down, so that the middle loop is resting in a
normal assembly position on the cartridge case. Apply a gradual
pressure on the sample link's middle loop (without impact loading)
until of assembly of the link belt is completed. Record the
maximum snap-on assembly force and determine compliance with the
requirements of para. 3.3. Repeat the above procedure for all
samples. Test cartridges shall not be used more than five (5)
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