| MIL-L-81795(AS)
Transmission Rate =(W2-Wl) 2400
= Weight (grams) at start Of exposure period
= weight (grams) at end Of exposure period
= Area (total exposed in square inches)
= Exposure period (64 to 68 hours)
High Temperature - The launcher, in the Shipping Configuration,
shall be placed in a heated chamber and the internal temperature of the chamber
raised, at a rate not to exceed 10C (18F) per minute, to 71 2.5c (160 5F)
with a relative humidity of not more than 15 percent and remain at this condition
for a period of 50 hours. At the end of the conditioning period, while still at
elevated temperature, an electrical ignition system check shall be made in
accordance with 3.3.7. The launcher shall then be allowed to cool to ambient
temperature and the electrical ignition test 3.3.7 shall be performed.
Low Temperature - The launcher, in the Shipping Configuration, shall
be placed in a cooling chamber and the internal temperature of the chamber reduced
at a rate not to exceed 10C (18F) per minute until a temperature of -54.0 2.5C
(-65 5F) is attained. This condition shall be maintained for a period of
twenty four hours. At the end of the conditioning period, while the launcher
is still at condition temperature, an electrical ignition system check shall
be performed in accordance with 3.3.7. The launcher shall then be allowed to
return to ambient temperature and an Electrical Test shall be performed in
accordance with 3.3.7.
Salt SPray - The launcher shall withstand, in the Shipping Configuration,
a 5 percent salt spray period of fifty (50) hours in accordance with M1L-STD-81O.
At the end of the salt spray period, the electrical ignition system and grounding
circuit continuity and resistance test shall be performed. (3.3.7.)
Watcrproofness - The sealed loaded launcher, in the Shipping Configura-
tion, shall be submersed in water so that the uppermost surface of the launcher
is beneath the waters surface not less than one inch nor more than two inches, for
one hour or longer with the water at a temperature of not more than 40F below
ambient temperature at which the unit was sealed. After submersion, the unit shall
be dried and opened. The interior of the launcher shall be inspected for evidence
of moisture. Any evidence of moisture and the area in which it is observed shall
be recorded. The electrical ignition system check shall be performed in accord-
ance with 3.3.7.
Vibration Transportation Vibration - The launcher, in the Shipping Configuration,
shall be loaded with inert 2.75" Folding Fin Aircraft Rockets of correct weight
and center of gravity. The launcher shall be subjected to the vibration tests
of MIL-STD-810, Equipment Category g, Curve AB. The launcher shall withstand,
without adverse effects, all loads induced or resulting from transportation vi-
bration frequencies of this test.
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