| ![]() MIL-L-83491A(USAF)
Plan A. The inspection level for plan A shall be S-1 of
MIL-STD-105, The sample unit for the expression of the lot size for
plan A shall be one life raft, The sample size for plan A shall be based
only on the applicable sample size code letter corresponding to inspection
level S-1 of MIL-STD-105. Each life raft that is selected as asample in
accordance with plan A shall be subjected to the following:
Operation (see 4.6.2)
Pressure (see 4.5.3)
Leakage (see 4.6.4)
Canopy and floor inflation (see 4.6.5) 1/.
1/ The canopy and floor inflation test shall not apply to the LRU-l7/B
life raft.
In addition to the life raft selected from each lot in
Plan B.
accordance with plan A, the contractor shall furnish the commercial labora-
tory with one primary. buoyancy tube for each lot of life rafts. The primary
buoyancy tubes shall not be specially prepared primary byoyancy tubes but
shall be representative of the workmanship and the heat sealing used during
production. The primary buoyancy tubes shall be selected prior to completion
of the lot. The primary buoyancy tubes selected as samples in accordance
with plan B shall be subjected to the burst strength test described in
Plan C. The inspection level for plan C shall be S-4 of MIL-STD-105.
The sample unit for the expression of the lot size for plan C shall be one
life raft. The acceptable quality level for plan C shall be accept zero,
reject one,
Life rafts that are selected as samples in accordance with
plan C shall be subjected to the pressure test described in 4.6.3.
Plan D. A primary buoyancy tube section that is representative of
the workmanship and heat scaling to be used in production shall be manufactured
at the start of production each day; after each change in machine setting; and
The primary buoyancy tube section shall
after each change of operator.
immediately be subjected to the burst strength test desrcibed in If
any primary buoyancy tube section is rejected, corrective action shall be
taken before continuing production.
If an item selected from a production
Rejection and retest (plan D).
run in accordance with plan D fails to meet the specification, no items later
produced shall be accepted until the extent and cause of failure have been
determined and appropriately corrected. The contractor shall explain fully
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