| ![]() MIL-L-85824A(AS)
The corrected pressure shall conform to the requirements of 3.8.3.
While inflated the chamber shall be visually examined for conformance to the
requirements of 3.8.3. The chamber shall be completely deflated through its oral
inflation assembly in preparation for testing of the orally Inflated chamber
During the deflation the oral inflation valve shall be depressed and
released a minimum of 3 times and observed for conformance to the requirements of
3.8.3. Orally inflated chamber. The carbon dioxide Inflated chamber shall
be completely deflated for this test and examination. Testing and examination of
the orally Inflated chamber shall be performed using the same procedures
specified in The corrected pressure, visual examination, and oral
inflation valve check shall conform to the requirements of 3.8.3.
4.8.5 Weight of the life raft. the weight of the life raft shall be
determined on a scale or balance capable of weighing to the nearest 0.01 pound.
The life raft shall be weighed without the carbon dioxide cylinder for
conformance to the requirement of 3.8.4.
4.8.6 Strength of attachment testing of the manifold stem and oral Inflation
Strength of attachment tests shall be performed on a suitable
testing apparatus with a movable jaw speed of twelve plus or minus one-half
inches per minute under no load. The direction of pull shall be perpendicular.
The attachments listed below shall be subjected to the applicable test load and
observed for conformance to the requirements of 3.8.5.
Test Load in Pounds
Carbon Dioxide Inflation Manifold
Stem to Chamber
Oral Inflation Assembly to Carbon
Dioxide Chamber and to Orally
Inflated Chamber
4.8.7 Thermal seam bonding.
Five specimens, 1 1/16 Inch wide and
6 1/16 inch long, shall be cut across and perpendicular to the seam of the, life
raft chambers. The specimens shall be cut from different locations on one life
raft so as to be representative of the sealing of the entire life raft. The
specimen shall be taken from the straight portion of the chamber seam. One free
end of the specimen (end not bonded) shall be placed in the upper jaw and the
other free end in the lower jaw of a suitable inspection apparatus equipped with
an autographic recording device (see FED-STD-191, Method 5100). The seam portion
of the specimen shall be in the center between the two jaws. The jaws shall be
separated until failure occurs, either breaking of the cloth or separation of the
thermal bond. In either case the result obtained shall be not less than that
specified in 3.8.6. The highest value obtained shall be taken as the result for
the thermal seam bonding for the individual specimen. The rate of jaw
separation, under no load, shall be 12 1/2 inches per minute. The
front clamp of each jaw shall be one to three Inches. The remaining four specimen
s shall be similarly treated and Inserted. The inspection results of the five
samples shall not be averaged. Each individual inspection specimen shall conform
to the thermal seam bonding requirements specified in 3.8.6.
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