| ![]() MIL-L-85824A(AS)
5.2.2 Level B. Four (4) life rafts, preserved as specified in 5.1.1, shall
be packed within a snug fitting fiberboard container conforming to PPP-8-636,
Type CF or SF, Domestic Class, Variety SW, Grade 275. Each container shall be
constructed and closed in accordance with the appendix to PPP-B-636. The
fiberboard container shall not contain any metal fastenings or stitches.
5.2.3 Level C. The preserved life rafts, which require packing for
acceptance by the carrier, shall be packed within exterior type shipping
containers in a manner that will Insure safe transportation at the lowest rate to
the point of delivery. The shipment shall conform to the minimum requirements of
the rules and regulations applicable to the mode of transportation selected.
5.3 Marking.
5.3.1 Standard marking. In addition to any special or other identification
marking required by the contract (see 6.2.lk), each unit and exterior container
shall be marked in accordance with MIL-STD-129. The complete military or
contractor's type or part number, and the Commercial and Government Entity Number
(CAGE) shall be marked on all unit packs in accordance with the identification
marking provision of MIL-STD-129.
5.3.2 Special marking. In addition to the marking requirements of 5.3.1 and
regardless of the level or type of preservation specified, each exterior
container shall be marked as required by the Department of Transportation CFR 49.
5.4 General.
5.4.1 Exterior containers. Exterior containers (see 5.2.1, 5.2.2, and 5.2.3)
shall be of a minimum tare and cube consistent with the protection required and
shall contain equal quantities of identical stock numbered Items to the greatest
extent practicable.
5.4.2 Packaging inspection. The Inspection of these packaging requirements
shall be in accordance with table III and
6.1 Intended use. This life raft is Intended for use as emergency equipment
by aircraft personnel forced down at sea.
Ordering data.
6.2.1 Acquisition requirements.
Title, number, and date of this specification (including any
Government part numbers.
National stock number.
Applicable Government drawings, including revisions.
Quantity desired.
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