| ![]() MILL87177A
4.6.9 Sprayability (in pressurized container) test. A filled pressurized container shall be
cooled to 0F held at that temperature for 3 hours, and then stored at 40F for 20
hours. Immediately after conditioning, the container shall be shaken vigorously for 15
seconds and the material sprayed for 30 seconds. The material shall be considered as
having passed the test if it can be satisfactorily sprayed.
5.1 Packaging. Packaging shall be Level A or C in accordance with MILSTD290 as
specified in the contract or order. Neither the container, nor any component thereof
(closure, lining, etc.), shall interact with or alter the contents in any way so as to
adversely affect their purity or quality. All containers shall be new and free from
5.2 Packing. Except as specified in 5.2.1 packing shall be Level A, B, or C in
accordance with MILSTD290 as specified in the contract or order (see 6.2).
5.2.1 Packing of filled pressurized containers Level A. Twentyfour dispensers shall be packed in a fiberboard box conforming
to PPPB636, Style F.O.L., compliance symbol V3s or V3c. The twenty four
dispensers shall be arranged: six in length, four in width and one in depth, and shall be
separated by slotted partitions providing an individual cell for each dispenser. Partitions
shall be B or C flute, double faced corrugated board. Box liners of the same material as
the partitions shall be provided. The corrugations of the liners shall run vertically. Liners
shall be cut so that on placement the ends abut in the middle of one side of the box.
Box and all components shall be fabricated of material having not less than 200 pounds
per square inch bursting strength. Level A closure. All flaps of the box shall be securely sealed with a
waterresistant adhesive conforming to MMMA250. The adhesive shall be applied
throughout the entire area of contact between the flaps. Level B. Twentyfour dispensers shall be packed in a domestic type corrugated
or solid fiberboard container. Style F.O.L. (less 1 inch) conforming to PPPB636.
Arrangement shall be: six in length, four in width, and one in depth. Slotted partitions
shall be employed to form an individual cell for each dispenser. Partitions shall be B or
C Flute, double faced corrugated board. Box liners of the same material as the
partitions shall be provided. The corrugations of the liners shall run vertically. Liners
shall be cut so that on placement the ends abut in the middle of one side of the box.
Box and all components shall be fabricated of material having not less than 200 pounds
per square inch bursting strength. All flaps shall be sealed with a good quality adhesive
applied throughout the entire area of contact between flaps. Strapping. Strapping shall be in accordance with the appendix of
PPP B636.
5.3 Marking. Marking of the containers shall be in accordance with MILSTD290,
except as specified herein. Marking shall be legible, shall be accomplished by
lithographing or silkscreen process and shall be white on an orange label or as
specified in the contract. Paper coated labels on pressurized containers are not
acceptable; any special marking specified in the contract or order shall also be
included. In addition, the following information shall be included on each gas
pressurized container and bulk container as applicable (when not already required by
MILSTD290 or the contract or order):
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