| ![]() MIL-M-13081F
6.2.2 Data requirements. When this specification is used in an acquisition
which incorporates a DD Form 1423, Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL), the
data requirements identified below shall be developed as specified by an
approved Data Item Description (DD For 1664) and delivered in accordance with
the approved CDRL incorporated into the contract. When the provisions of DOD
FAR Supplement, Part 27, Sub-Part 27.410.6 are invoked and the DD Form 1423 is
not used, the data specified below shall -be delivered by the contractor in
accordance with the contract or purchase order requirements. Deliverable data
required by this specification is cited in the following paragraphs:
Applicable DID NO.
Data requirements
Paragraph No
Color photograph prints
Camouflage line art data
article. When a first article inspection is required, the item
6.3 First
preproduction model. The first article should consist of one or
should be a
more units.
The contracting officer should include specific instructions in
documents regarding arrangements for examinations, tests, and
approval of
the first article test results and disposition of the first article.
6.4 Provisioning. The contracting officer should include provisioning
requirements for the repair parts and maintenance tools as necessary (including
any special tools) and instruction on the shipment of the mixers.
6.5 Vehicle weight classification. The contracting officer should arrange to
furnish vehicle classification forms to the contractor and request the return of
the completed forms to the Government. The information thus obtained should be
utilized to determine the weight classification number(s) for the mixer. The
contractor should then be requested by the contracting officer to apply the
weight classification number(s) to the mixer. The use of a Government-furnished
sign kit conforming to MIL-S-40626 should be utilized where applicable (see
6.6 Lubricants. MIL-STD-838, Lubrication of Military Equipment, prescribes
the policy for using specifications-type products wherever possible and provides
specific requirements for potential use of non-standard proprietary products.
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