| ![]() MIL-M-13306A (Ord)
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4.7.2 Environmental.
rating Ctemperturen
being tested shall
The mount
be installed
he test amber i
a manner similar to its normal
shall then be tested in accordance
operating position. The mount
with Procedure I, condition C-G of Specification MIL-F-13926. While
exposed and thermally stabilized at the above conditions, the mount
shall be tested as outlined in 4..7.8. The mount shall then be
thermally stabilized at room temperature and tested as specified
in 3.5.1. Sealing.-
Upon completion of the sealing test specified
3.5.3 the mount shall
be visuallyexamined for evidence of water
penetration or damage to the cant correction assembly of the mount.
4.7.3 Adjustments. - The mount shall be positioned with the
flat mounting surfaces placed on a leveled surface plate which will
locate the mount in the horizontal plane as specified in 3.6.
r.- With the mount positioned
f lec
rawing F7654413, the line of
as specified in 4.7.
sight and eye distance shall be determined by standard measuring
equipment and visual means for compliance with 3.6.1.
es. - With the mount positioned
of the telescope clamp
ce plate the parallelism
assemblies indicated on Drawing F7654413 shall be determined by means
gage with dial Indicator
of an aligning bar and a vernier height
in the telescope Clamp
bar shall be placed
a s s m b l i e s . The dial Indicator shall be placed on one end of the
bar. Deflection of the dial indicator, when moved along the length
of the bar, shall be within the limits specified in 3.6.2.
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