| ![]() MIL-M-13703D(AR)
4.4.3 Testing. Filler (See 3.3.1), Major Defect. Two random samples
of 250 g. shall be selected from each batch of filler used in the
(A fifty g. sample shall be selected at the
loading of markers.
time of loading at the loading station for the moisture content (see
If any sample fails to comply with the requirements the
filler shall be rejected and any marker loads shall be rejected.
Sodium salt of fluorescein
Particle size
4.5 Methods of inspection.
4.5.1 Filler. Sodium salt of fluorescein. A one (1) g. portion of
the sample shall be accurately weighed, and dissolved in a beaker
containing 200 ml of distilled water. The solution shall be heated
to boiling, then 10 percent hydrochloric acid shall be added, a few
drops at a time, with constant stirring until the solution gives a
(The acid shall be
distinct acid end point with congo red paper.
added while the solution is boiling, to prevent the formation of the
more soluble, yellow form of fluorescein.) The solution shall be
allowed to cool to room temperature, then quantitatively filtered
into a tared Gooch crucible, using 75 mL of distilled water to
transfer and wash the the precipitate into the crucible, and then
dried for 1 hour, in an oven at 100 5C. The percentage of
soluble sodium salt of fluorescein shall be calculated as follows:
Percentage of soluble sodium salt of fluorescein = Wt of
precipitate X 113 Moisture. Approximately a five (5) g. Portion of the
sample shall be accurately weighted in a tared weighing dish. The
dish shall be heated for 4 hours in an oven at 100 5C. Cooled
in a desiccator and weighed. The moisture content shall be
calculated as follows:
Percent moisture = A x 100
A = loss of weight, g
B = weight of sample, g
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