| ![]() MIL-M-17413A(NAVY)
3.4.2 Stock repair parts. - Quantities of stock repair parts (that is parts required to replace
onboard repair parts or those required for repair of a motor but not specified as onboard) and their stock
numbers shall be determined in accordance with Specification ML-R-16137.
3.5 Drawings. -
Master drawings and certificate data conforming to type I of Specifica-
be furnished, except that for service C motor a List of material shall not be required.
tion ML-D-963 shall
The approval activity
for master drawings shall be the bureau or agency concerned or its field agency.
The approval activity
for certification data shall be the ordering activity.
3.5.1 Master drawings .- (See for service A motor and for service C motors. )
3. 5.2 Certification data sheet. - In addition to the data required by Specification ML-D-963,
certification data shall include the following information:
(a) Reference drawings including drawings of the driven auxillary, brakes, magnetic
clutches, and motor controller and disconnect switch, manufacturer's drawing
numbers, bureau or agency concerned drawing numbers, and certification data
of the referenced drawings.
(b) Additional remarks, notes and data including horsepower, voltage, current, speed,
type of winding and whether of a special type such as close coupled.
3.6 Requirements applicable to individual services. -
3.6.1 Service A. - General. -
Service A motors shall conform to Specification MIL-E-917. Materials. -
The minimum requirements for materials to be used shall be as Material restrictions. -
specified in table IV.
Table IV. Minimum material requirements for service A motors.
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