| MIL-M-17413A(NAVY)
(5) Conductor insulation and Government specification.
(6) Turns in series per coil.
(7) Feet of wire per coil.
(8) Total weight of copper in armature (pounds).
(9) Insulation of coils.
(10) Resistance in ohms at 25C.
Development of armature winding. A partial diagram is sufficient, provided
it establishes the winding patter and shows dummy coils if any.
Cross-sectional view of armature slot showing insulation used.
Treatment of wound armature. Number of dips, bakes (including baking tem-
perature and period of baking), and Government grade of varnish.
Table of field winding data for all fields, including the following information:
(1) Conductor copper.
(2) Conductor insulation and Government specification.
(3) Conductors in parallel.
(4) Turns per coil.
(5) Feet of wire per coil.
(6) Pounds of wire per coil.
(7) Resistance/oil in ohms at 25C.
Cross-sectional view of all field coils showing insulation used.
Treatment of field coils. Number of dips, bakes (including baking temperature
and period of baking), and Government grade of varnish.
Table of insulation materials showing material used, thickness and applicable
Government specifications.
T e s t data
(1) Table of temperature conditions, overload and full load currents
containing the following:
Time, line volts and amperes, shunt volts, field amperes,
s p e e d , temperature readings, rise while running,
maximum rise after shutdown, of armature coils, core,
commutator, front head, rear head location of ther-
(2) Resistances both cold and hot of the following:
Armature, shunt field, series field and commutating field.
(3) Field rheostat resistance while hot vs. r. p. m.
(4) Speed regulation, all speed, hot and cold, and percentages of change.
(5) Full load losses, including I 2R fields, I2R armature, bearing friction
and windage, brush friction, core, brush contact, loss stray load,
field rheostat and the total of all.
(6) Minimum air gaps, inches, by poles, main and commutating.
(7) Weight of armature in pounds.
(8) Weight of complete motor in pounds.
(9) Performance data at 0, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 and 5/4 load including line
volts and amperes, shunt field volts and amperes, speed and
percent of efficiency.
( 10) change in speed due to heating, all speeds, hot and cold, and percentages
of change.
(11) Variation between actual and rated full load speed (hot), all speeds
and percentages.
(12) Additional test data for submarine motors.
a. Test data of (q) (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) for
nominal voltage and the voltage range extremities
except overload heat run data is not required unless
specified (see 4. and 6. 2).
b. Test data of (q) (9) above for nominal voltage.
For the voltage range extremities the performance
data at no load and 4/4 load shall be shown.
c . Speed-voltage data (see
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