| ![]() MIL-M-38510/125B
Aperture time. The delay required between the "hold" command and a 10 volt input
signal transition such that the resulting output change is less than 1 mV.
Acquisition time. The time, in terms of minimum sample pulse width, that is required
for the device to acquire a 10 volt full scale change to within a specified error band
of final value for a specified hold capacitor size.
Transient response (overshoot). The percentage ratio of signal overshoot to the 100
mV final value. This parameter is related to circuit phase margin and stability.
Transient response (settling time). The small signal time interval from the
application of a 100 mW pulse to the time when the output enters and remains
within 10 percent of its final value.
Hold settling time. The time required for the output to settle within 1 mV of final
value after the "hold" command is given.
Common mode voltage. The voltage of the input terminal with respect to a voltage
midway between +VCC and VCC.
Hold capacitor voltage. The voltage "held" by the external hold capacitor.
"Hold" step voltage. The output voltage change with a fixed input voltage when the
device is switched from "sample" to "hold" mode with a 4 V logic signal.
Input offset voltage. The "sample" mode output to input dc voltage for any rated
common mode voltage condition.
6.6 Logistic support. Lead materials and finishes (see 3.3) are interchangeable. Unless otherwise specified, microcircuits
acquired for Government logistic support will be acquired to device class B (see 1.2.2), lead material and finish A (see 3.4).
Longer length leads and lead forming should not affect the part number.
6.7 Substitutability. The cross-reference information below is presented for the convenience of users. Microcircuits covered
by this specification will functionally replace the listed generic-industry type. Generic-industry microcircuit types may not have
equivalent operational performance characteristics across military temperature ranges or reliability factors equivalent to MIL-M-
38510 device types and may have slight physical variations in relation to case size. The presence of this information should not
be deemed as permitting substitution of generic-industry types for MIL-M-38510 types or as a waiver of any of the provisions of
Military device type
Generic-industry type
6.8 Changes from previous issue. Marginal notations are not used in this revision to identify changes with respect to the
previous issue, due to the extensiveness of the changes.
Preparing activity:
Army CR
Navy - EC
Air Force - 11
Project 5962-2005-026
Review activities:
Army - MI, SM
Navy - AS, CG, MC, SH, TD
Air Force 03, 19, 99
NOTE: The activities listed above were interested in this document as of the date of this document. Since organizations and
responsibilities can change, you should verify the currency of the information above using the ASSIST Online database at
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