| TABLE III. Group A inspection for device type 09 Continued.
Terminal conditions 17/
Output voltages shall be either:
(a) H = 2.4 volts minimum and L = 0.4 volt maximum when using a high speed checker double comparator, or
(b) H ≥ 1.5 volts and L < 1.5 volts when using a high speed checker single comparator.
Only a summary of attributes data is required.
A >2.0 V, B <0.8 V. Input voltages shown are the maximum for VIL and the minimum for VIH.
See figure 9A. Apply waveform E for tests 161 and 178, and waveform H for tests 162 and 179.
See figure 9, waveforms A, B, C, and D. Load AIN, then apply waveform A and observe the drop in QA output.
See figure 9, waveforms B, C, and D. Load AIN, and observe tPLH of waveform D at output QA.
Repeat steps as in note 6. Observe the pulse delay of the drop in QA when the load pulse is applied.
See figures 9 and 9A, waveforms A, B, C, E, F, and G. First use clear pulse, then load pulse, then one count up pulse. Also see figure 9B, note 7.
See note 8, add one more count up pulse for tPLH9 as shown on figure 9A, waveforms F and G.
See figures 9 and 9A. First clear pulse, then one count down pulse.
See note 9. Clear pulse first, figure 9, waveforms A, B, and C, add one more count down pulse for tPLH10 as shown on figure 9A,
waveforms J and K.
See figures 9 and 9A. First a clear pulse, then one count up pulse for QA. On next three tests enter count up pulses to appropriate
count to check QB, QC, and QD.
See figure 9A, waveforms H and J. On next three tests enter count down pulse, waveform H and observe tPHL11, waveform J on
outputs QC, QB, and QA.
FMAX, minimum limit specified is the frequency of the input pulse. The output frequency shall be one-half of the input frequency.
Load pulse before count up input, then 4.5 V.
Load pulse before count down input, then 4.5 volts.
Terminal conditions (pins not designated may be H ≥ 2.0 V, or L ≤ 0.8 V, or open).
The limits shall be: -0.5 mA minimum, -1.3 mA maximum for circuit C, and -0.7 mA minimum, -1.6 mA maximum for all other circuits.
The limits shall be -0.5 mA minimum and -1.3 mA maximum for circuit E.
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