| MIL-M-38510/15B
1. The data inputs have the following characteristics: VGEN = 3 V, t0 = t1 ≤ 10 ns, tP(D) = 20 ns and PRR = 1 MHz.
2. The enable input has the following characteristics: VGEN = 3 V, t1 = t0 ≤ 10 ns, tP( E ) = 20 ns, tSET(H) = 5 ns,
PRR = 1 MHz and ZOUT ≈ 50Ω .
1. The data inputs have the following characteristics: VGEN = 3 V, t0 = t1 ≤ 10 ns, tP(D) = 20 ns and PRR = 1 MHz.
2. The enable inputs have the following characteristics: VGEN = 3 V, t1 = t0 ≤ 10 ns, tP( E ) = 20 ns, tHOLD(H) = 0 ns,
PRR = 1 MHz and ZOUT ≈ 50Ω .
Figure 7. Switching time test circuit and waveforms for device type 04.
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