| ![]() MIL-M-38510/207E
TABLE III. Group A inspection Continued.
This program will test all bits in the array for tPHL2 and tPLH2.
Step 1.
Each word in the pattern is tested from the enable lines to the output lines for recovery.
Step 2.
Word 0 is addressed. Enable line is pulled high to low and low to high. tPHL2 and tPLH2 are read.
Step 3.
Word 1 is addressed. Same enable sequence as above.
Step 4.
The reading procedure continues until word 255 is reached.
Step 5.
Pass execution time = 256 x cycle time.
The sequential tests shall be performed with VCC = 4.5 V and 5.5 V.
Step 6.
11/ For unprogrammed 01, 02 devices (with date codes before 8601), apply 10.0 V to pin 10 ( A0 ), apply 0.5 V to
pin 11 ( A1 ), and other 5.0 V on all other addresses for circuit C.
12/ For unprogrammed 02 devices ( VOH test ), with date codes before 8713, apply 0 V to pins 10 ( A0 ) through
13 ( A3 ), and 11.5 V to pin 14 ( A4 ), with date codes of 8713 or later apply 3.0 V to pins 10 ( A0 ) through
13 ( A3 ), and 10.5 V to pin 14 ( A4 ) for circuit G.
13/ For unprogrammed devices 01, 02 (with date codes of 8601 or later), 03 and 04, apply 10.0 V to pin 10 ( A0 ),
0.5 V to pins 12, 13, 14, ( A2, A3, A4 ) and 5.0 V to all other addresses for circuit C.
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