| ![]() MIL-M-38510/653B
Unless otherwise specified in the manufacturers QM plan for static tests (test condition A),
ambient temperature (TA) shall be +125C minimum. Test duration for each static test shall be
24 hours minimum for class S devices and in accordance with table I of method 1015 for class
B devices.
For static burn-in I, all inputs shall be connected to GND. Outputs shall be open or
connected to VCC/2. Resistors are optional on outputs if open. Resistors are required on
inputs and on outputs connected to VCC/2. R = 470Ω to 47 kΩ.
For static burn-in II, all inputs shall be connected through a resistor to VCC. Outputs shall
be open or connected to VCC/2. Resistors are optional on outputs if open. Resistors are
required on inputs and on outputs connected to VCC/2. R = 470Ω to 47 kΩ.
Unless otherwise specified in the manufacturers QM plan for dynamic test (test condition D),
ambient temperature shall be +125C minimum. Test duration shall be in accordance with
table I of method 1015.
For dynamic burn-in, the generator shall be connected to the clock and J K or D
(depending on device type) inputs and reset shall be connected to clock/2. Outputs shall
be connected to VCC/2 +0.5 V through the resistors. R = 680Ω to 1 kΩ for outputs, 470Ω
to 47 kΩ for inputs.
CP = 25 kHz to 1 MHz square wave; duty cycle = 50% 15%; VIH = 4.5 V to VCC;
VIL = 0.0 V 0.5 V; transition time ≤ 0.5 s.
VCC = 6.0 V +0.0 V, -0.5 V. VCC = 5.5 V +0.0 V, -0.5 V for device type 52.
Interim and final electrical test parameters shall be as specified in table II.
For class S devices, post dynamic burn-in, or class B devices, post static burn-in, electrical parameter
measurements may, at the manufacturer's option, be performed separately or included in the final
electrical parameter requirements.
4.2.1 Percent defective allowable (PDA).
The PDA for class S devices shall be 5 percent for static burn-in and 5 percent for dynamic burn-in,
based on the exact number of devices submitted to each separate burn-in.
Static burn-in I and II failure shall be cumulative for determining the PDA.
The PDA for class B devices shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38535 for static burn-in. Dynamic
burn-in is not required.
Those devices whose measured characteristics, after burn-in, exceed the specified delta (Ć) limits or
electrical parameter limits specified in table III, subgroup 1, are defective and shall be removed from the
lot. The verified failures divided by the total number of devices in the lot initially submitted to burn-in shall
be used to determine the percent defective for the lot and the lot shall be accepted or rejected based on
the specified PDA.
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