| MIL-M-45013E (AR)
second half of the test shall be fired using the M4 Bandoleer
loaded with a cartoned 100-round belts attached tO the machine
gun. The ammunition, links and bandoleer shall be in accordance
with Maintenance of test hardware. The machine gun shall
be cooled to ambient temperature after each 400-round series
using cooling aids other than water. The cyclic rate of fire
shall be measured and recorded on each fifth series. It shall be
permissible to clean and oil the machine gun at intervals of not
less than 2,000 rounds. At the close of each day's firing, the
machine gun shall be protected against corrosion. No parts shall
be altered. Firing records. Complete accurate records shall be
kept for each endurance test, showing each malfunction and part
replacement including the number of the round at which each
occurred and corrective action taken. Disposition of test hardware. At the completion of
the endurance test, the machine guns shall be disposed of as
specified in the contract (see 6.2) .
4.5.9 Reliability test. The three machine guns are each
fired 50,000 rounds in 10,000-round cycles from a Government-
approved firing fixture simulating ground tripod mounting.
Unless otherwise specified, the firing is conducted in 200-round
complements, alternating between firing schedules No. 1 and No. 2
(below). Two barrel assemblies are to be used alternately
(change after 200 rounds) with each weapon and are cooled to
ambient temperature after each 2oo roundso Firing should be
accomplished using 100-round belts contained within the M4
Bandoleer. Firing schedules. Schedule No. 1: 10 1 round burst at a rate of
one burst every 6 seconds; used for complete complement of 20
rounds. Schedule No. 2: 25 1 round burst at a rate of
one burst every 15 seconds; used for complete complement of 200
rounds. Cleaning schedule. The weapons shall be cleaned,
inspected and-lubricated after each 2,000 rOundS and relubricated
after each 1,000 rounds. Semi-fluid lubricant conforming to MIL-
L-46000 is to be used.
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