| ![]() MIL-M-45945A Machine
The contractor shall furnish the Government repre-
sentative with certification that the packaging materials
conform to the applicable packaging data sheets and
The contractor shall test items from each inspection lot
as specified in MIL-P-116. Repair parts. Testing of packaging of repair
parts shall be performed in accordance with the criteria
specified in the contract (see 6.2) .
Inspection equipment. The inspection equipment
required to perform the inspections specified herein is
identified in Contractor inspection equipment designs
shall be submitted for Government approval as specified in the
Designs which provide variable measurements instead of
attributes data are preferred in order to facilitate the use of
statistical process control. The provisions of MIL-A-70625 shall
apply to all automated acceptance inspection equipment. See 6.2
herein. Responsibility.
Unless otherwise specified in
procurement documents (see 6.2), responsibility for acquisition,
maintenance and disposition of measuring and test equipment
required to perform inspections prescribed by applicable
specifications shall be in accordance with MIL-I-45607 Accuracy of standard measuring test equipment
(SMTE) When commercial and modified commercial test equipment
is used it shall be capable of repetitive measurement by various
experienced inspection/test personnel to an accuracy of l0
percent of the total tolerance of the characteristic being
Accuracy is a term which describes the closeness of
test measurements to the true (lab) measurement. Accuracy is
normally defined by the two factors, systematic error (or bids)
and precision (repeatability). Systemtic error (bias is the
difference between the average (means) reading in a series of
measurements and the true lab measurement. Precision
(repeatability) is a measurement of the closeness togrther of a
series of measurements. For the purpose of this effort, the
precision will be defined as the standard deviation of the group
of data being analyzed.
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