| ![]() MIL-M-45965(WV)
3.5.1 Elevating mechanism. The tube with bracket for the connector assembly,
and clevis pivot. The ring retains all of the moving parts within the tube.
All parts shall be aligned as specified on the applicable drawings. The
elevating mechanism shall function through the entire operating range.
Backlash shall not exceed 1/8 turn. (D 7228725)
3.5.2 Traversing mechanism. The bearing (B5025227) on the shouldered end
of the screw-traversing (B7228286) shall be adjusted to obtain a smooth
continuously sliding fit. The bearing can be adjusted to only one location
in the tube. Geometry of the parts determine the fit at other locations.
Backlash shall not exceed 1/8 turn.
3.5.3 Cant mechanism. Leg, Left, Assembly (D7230150). The mechanism
incorporated into this assembly shall provide a smooth, positive adjustment
throughout the range. The coil spring and washers in the nut cant adjusting
assembly increase the firmness of the joint and the stability of the adjust-
ment during firing. The bracket when not locked on the sleeve shall move
easily for preliminary leveling and shall grip the sleeve securely when the
sleeve (B7230007) is tightened manually. The sleeve (A5025237) shall move
smoothly on the leg body. Cant mechanism adjustment. The nut, cant adjusting is connected to
the sleeve (A5025237) by the ring (A5025233). The ring shall be screwed onto
the nut, cant adjusting until the end of the nut is seated on the end of the
sleeve. The ring shall then be unscrewed the minimum distance necessary to
permit manual rotation of the nut while the sleeve is locked against rotation.
Following this adjustment, the ring and the nut, cant adjusting shall be
drilled and tapped to receive the screw (A5025235).
3.6 Performance. The mortar assembly (cannon and mount) shall be capable
of withstanding the stresses of firing and functional operation under service
conditions. The cannon shall be capable of withstanding a chamber pressure
of 6800 200 psi at 70F as specified in 4.6.5.
3.6.1 Functioning. There shall be no impairment in the functioning of the
mortar assembly (cannon and mount) during and after the testing specified
in 4.6.3, 4.6.4, and 4.6.5.
3.6.2 Bore enlargement. Bore diameters (from the muzzle to a depth of 24
inches) after proof testing shall not exceed the basic [minimum] diameter
specified on the drawings by more than 0.004 inch. There shall be no
indication of abnormal wear, damage or deformation of the bore surface.
3.6.3 Material soundness. After completion of testing, all parts shall be
free from cracks and fractures and shall comply with soundness requirements
specified on the applicable drawings.
3.7 Operation. All parts shall operate without interference, erratic
movement or malfunction.
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