| MIL-M-45986 (AR)
AMENDMENT 3 Long recoil length Maximum Long recoil length shall
not exceed 71 inches.
3.3.2,2 Short recoil length Maximum short recoil length
shall not exceed 50 inches Cycle time. Recoil cycle time shall not be less shall not be loss not be less gone
2 seconds and not more than 4 seconds. Terminal velocity. At a distance of 2 inches from
battery positionf the counter recoil terminal velocity shall
not exceed 4 inches/seconds. Rod pull curves. The actual rod curves shall meet the
following requirements: see Figure 1)
Range 1: Peak rod pull shall occur within the first 20
milliseconds for long recoil and 60 milliseconds for short
Range 2: Within 280 milliseconds for long recoil or 180
miliseconds for short recoil, the continuous rod pull curve
shall not exceed the peak rod pull of range 1.
Range 3 After Range 2, the rod pull curve shall be
continuoulsy declining to the end of the recoil cycle.
Range 4:
Counter recoil cycle.
See paragraph"
4.6.1 Function firing test:
Delete in its entirety and
"4.6.1 Function firinq test. Each recoil mechanism shall be
subjected to the powder gymnastication test as specified in
Table IV. All testing shall be done on a test stand at zero
degrees elevation with the variable recoil locked for long
recoil or short recoil, as specified. The tabulated sequence
must be followed. Charges shall be varied as required to meet "
the stated rod pull requirements and shall impart an impulse of
at least 10,000 pounds-seconds to at least one long recoil test
mode and the short recoil test mode. If any of the requirements
of paragraphs through are not met, the recoil
mechanism shall be rejected. Upon completion of this test, the
recoil mechanism shall be subjected to the tests specified in
paragraphs 4.6.2 through 4.6.7.
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