| ![]() MIL-M-46312B(MU)
shall be vibrated for 5 minutes 15 seconds along each of the three
(3) mutually perpendicular axes at .125 inch double amplitude and a
constant frequency of 30 cycles per second (cps). Condition B. - With the mount mounted as specified in 3.4(a)
and with the dummy load assembled as specified in 3.4(d), it shall be
vibrated for 100 minutes 1 minute along each of the three (3) mutually
perpendicular axes at 0.5 inch double amplitude from 5 to 12.5 cps and
a frequency that varies logarithmetically from 12.5 to 500 cps with
accelerations maintained at, but not exceeding, 4 g's, At the two (2)
most severe resonances encountered below 200 cycles per second, the
mount shall be vibrated an additional 15 minutes 1 minute at 4 g's
3.5.4 Shock. - The mount shall show no evidence of physical failure
or damage and shall meet the requirements of 3.6 to 3.10 inclusive after
being subjected to a total of 18 shocks of 100 g's peak amplitude with
each shock pulse a terminal peak saw-tooth having a time duration of
6 1 milliseconds. Three (3) shocks shall be applied in each direction
along the three (3) mutually perpendicular axes of the mount. This
requirement shall be met with the mount mounted as specified in 3.4(a
and with the dummy load assembled as specified in 3.4(d).
3.6 Performance.
3.6.1 Boresight adjustment range.- With the mount oriented as
specified in 3.4(a) and 3.4(b) and with the dummy load assembled as
specified in 3.4(d), the elevation and azimuth screw assemblies shall
allow each knob to be rotated a minimum of 2.5 revolutions between stops.
3.6.2 Horizontal looseness.- The total horizontal looseness shall
not exceed .006 inch when measured at a point extending beyond the
mount 12.5 inches from the axis of the tapered (king) pin (or 26.375
from the axis passing thru Yoke Pin 8616059 and Stud Pin 8616078). This
requirement shall be met when a 20 lb. pressure is applied against the
dummy load at the aforementioned distance and gradually released first
in one direction then similarly applied and released in the opposite
direction in a plane parallel to the mounting surface when the mount
is mounted and oriented as specified in 3.4(a), 3.4(b), 3.4(c) and
with the dummy load assembled as specified in 3.4(d).
3.6.3 Retention of elevation knob and dial settings.- The elevation
knob and dial shall not change position by more than .0046 inch in a
linear direction after the mount is subjected to the conditions specified
in 3.5.3 and 3.5.4 (see 6.2). The elevation knob shall be positioned
midway between limits of travel prior to subjecting the mount to the
conditions specified in 3.5.3 and 3.5.4.
3.7 Operability.
3.7.1 Elevation and azimuth knobs.- The running torque required
to rotate the elevation and azimuth knobs shall be 3 to 4 pound-inches
(lb. in.) at any point within the limits of travel when the mount is
mounted and positioned as specified in 3.4(a) and 3.4(b) and with the
dummy load assembled as specified in 3.4(d). Similarly, the running
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