| ![]() MIL-M-46314B(MU)
3.5 Performance.
3.5.1 Excursion ranges. Cant. - Actuation of the cant correction knob shall move the
telescope socket a minimum of 10 degrees in each direction from the position
established in 3.4(e). Pitch. - Actuation of the pitch knob shall move the telescope
socket a minimum of 10 degrees in each direction from the position established
in 3.4(e). Limit stops. - The elevation limit stops of the counter shall
allow an excursion of 1383 mils in elevation and 50 mils in depression.
The limit stop of the horizontal shaft shall allow a minimum movement to
1333 mils in elevation; maximum to 1342 milse
3.6 Accuracy.
3.6.1 Elevation readings.- With the cross level vial, pitch level vial
and elevation level vial bubbles centered, the elevation counter shall
indicate quadrant seat elevation settings of zero, 300, 600, 900, and 1200
mils within 0.5 mil excluding backlash.
3.6.2 Horizontal shaft.- The cant level vial bubble shall remain cen-
tered, and the line of sight shall not deviate in azimuth by more than 0.25
mil when the horizontal shaft is rotated from 175 mils depression to 1300
mils elevation.
3.6.3 Pitch knob. - With the cant level vial bubble centered, the line
of sight shall not deviate from a plumb line by more than 0.5 mil when the
pitch knob is actuated throughout its range of movement.
3.6.4 Backlash. Pitch and cant mechanisms.- Backlash in the pitch and cant
mechanisms shall not exceed 1.0 mil at zero positions.
3,6.4.2 Elevation reading mechanism.- Backlash in the elevation reading
mechanism (counters) shall not exceed 0.5 mil at any elevation or correction
3.7 Rigidity.- With the horizontal shaft immobilized and the mount
positioned in accordance with 3.4, the line of sight established subsequent
to the gradual application and release of a 20 pound pressure to the right
side of the telescope socket (adjacent to the Plate 7660425 and parallel to
the horizontal shaft) shall not deviate in excess of the values specified
in Table I subsequent to gradually applying and releasing the 20 pound pressure
from the opposite direction. This requirement shall also be met with the
mount positioned at 800, 1100, and 1333 mils elevation.
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