| ![]() MIL-M-46314B(MU) Limit stops.- With the mount positioned as outlined in, rotate the elevation knob of the mount fully clockwise and then
fully counterclockwise. Observe both counter readings for conformance with
the limits specified in Return the elevation counter to zero mils.
Rotate the elevation handwheel of the fixture until the limit stop is
contacted. Rotate the quadrant level knob to indicate a cross level posi-
tion. Seat the inspection aid on the quadrant seat and measure the elevation
angle on the inspection aid when the level vial indicates a level position.
This measured angle must conform to the limits outlined in Repeat
this procedure in the opposite direction. Accuracy and backlash. Elevation. - With the mount positioned as specified in,
set the inspection aid (preset to one of the selected elevation readings
specified in 3.6.1) on the quadrant support assembly. By means of the fixture
elevation handwheel, induce the selected elevation setting into the mount.
True elevation is assured when the inspection aid indicates level. Recheck
quadrant level vial for a level reading. Rotate the elevation knob and set
the mount's elevation level to indicate level. Record the counter reading.
Continue to rotate the elevation fixture handwheel 50 mils beyond the level
setting and then reverse the rotation of the elevation handwheel until the
level vial of the inspection aid indicates level. Do not override this
position. Rotate the elevation knob 50 mils beyond the previous setting.
Return the elevation level vial to indicate level. Record this counter
reading. Both recorded elevation readings shall coincide with the preset
elevation readings of the inspection aid within the limits outlined in 3.6.1.
The difference, if any, between the counter reading and the inspection aid
must be within the limits specified in Repeat this procedure at
the elevation settings specified in 3.6.1,
4, Horizontal shaft.- With the fixture and mount positioned as
outlined in, sight through the auxiliary telescope (5549108) and
observe coincidence between the intersecting point of the reticle crosslines
and the plumb line while rotating the fixture elevation handwheel through
the elevation range specified in 3.6.2. During this motion, the coincided
points shall remain in coincidence within the thickness of the reticle line
and the cant level vial shall remain level. Pitch knob. - With the mount and fixture positioned as out-
lined in, sight through the auxiliary telescope (5549108) and observe
coincidence between the intersecting point of the reticle crosslines and the
plumb line while rotating the fixture elevation handwheel in one direction
and the pitch knob in the opposite direction. They must remain in coincidence
within twice the thickness of the reticle line to assure compliance with
3.6.3 when actuated through the excursion specified in 3.6.3. Return the
mount and fixture to the position outlined in With the inspection
aid set to zero elevation and placed over the proper set of pins, observe
coincidence between the elevation level vial and the inspection aid level
vial. They must coincide within the limits specified in at zero pitch.
Make all measurements on the inspection aid. Scribe an index line on the
knob and a mating line on the casting in line with the previously scribed
line after zero pitch has been established.
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