| ![]() MIL-M-46314B(MU)
the auxiliary telescope and observe coincidence between target line A and
the intersecting point of the telescope center horizontal and vertical
reticle lines. They must remain in coincidence within the thickness of the
reticle line. Return the mount to zero position and relevel all level vials.
Observe coincidence between the cant indicator (red line) and housing index
line. Consider width of both lines when determining coincidence. Rotate
the cant knob one revolution and reverse rotational direction until lines
are in coincidence (do not override). Sight through the telescope and observe
where the intersecting point of the telescope's reticle lines fall upon the
target with respect to tolerance zone BC or DB (depending on the direction
of rotation). Record this position. Continue to rotate the cant knob
beyond this point one revolution and return the knob and realign the previously
coincided index lines (do not override). Observe and record where the inter-
secting point of the telescope's reticle lines fall with respect to tolerance
zone BC or BD (depending on the direction of rotation). The difference
between the recorded positions must comply with limit specified in Azimuth correction.- With the mount and fixture positioned as
in, preset the inspection aid to first cant reading specified in
Table II and position the inspection aid over the seating surfaces of the
sighting device. By means of the fixture cross leveling handwheel, set the
inspection aid level vial to a level position (do not override). By means
of the mount cant knob, relevel the mount's cross level bubble. Preset the
first elevation setting specified in Table II into the inspection aid and
position the inspection aid on the seating surfaces of the quadrant support
assembly. By means of the fixture elevation handwheel, reposition the
inspection aid level vial to indicate level (do not override). Relevel the
quadrant support level vial by the support knob and if necessary relevel the
inspection aid level vial by means of the fixture elevation handwheel. Remove
the locating pin from the zero position of the sighting device and insert
this pin into the appropriate locating hole (27.0). Observe coincidence
between the intersecting point of the telescope center reticle line and
taget line A. They must coincide within the limits of tolerance line "a".
Repeat this procedure at each of the settings specified in 3.8.1. The
telescope's "intersecting point must always coincide with target line A with-
in the limits of tolerance lines for a selected combination of elevation
and cant angles specified in Table II. The sighting device must also be
changed for-each combination of elevation and cant angles by inserting the
locating pin into the appropriate set of holes. Operating torque. - Torque testing shall be performed using
appropriate torque measuring equipment and adapters and shall be performed
at the temperature specified in Table III. The measured torque shall
conform to the values specified in 3.9. Illumination.- With a power supply of the voltage specified
in 3.10.1 applied to the mount, observe brightness of the level vial and
counters in a darkened area for conformance with 3.10.1.
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