| MIL-M-48557A(AR)
f. The seating surface for the quadrant shall be
parallel to the recessed mounting surface within 3.0 mils (.015
inches) .
g. The locating keys for the M17 quadrant shall be
parallel to the mount locating keyway within .5 mil.
h. The four mounting bolts shall be torqued to 85-
90 foot pounds.
3.7.1 Storaqe temperature. The mount shall show no
evidence of physical failure when thermally stabilized
at ambient temperatures of +160 5F (+71 3C)
and -50 50F (-46 3C) for a period of 6 hours 15 minutes
at each temperature.
3.7.2 Operating temperature. The mount shall meet the
applicable requirements of 3.9 while exposed and thermally
stabilized 6 hours -15 minutes at an ambient temperature of
+150 5F (+65 3C) and exposed and thermally stabilized
for 6 hours 0 +15 minutes at an ambient temperature of -50
5F (-46 3C). Upon return to standard ambient
temperature, +60 F to +90 F (+16 C to +32 C), from each
operating temperature, the mount shall meet the requirements of
3.7.5 thru 3.9.
3.7.3 Shock. When required the mount shall withstand a
total of 18 shock impulses, three in each direction of three
mutually perpendicular axis. Each shock impulse shall be a
half-sine wave with a time duration of 3 1 milliseconds. The
peak amplitude of each shock impulse shall be 100 g's.
Subsequent to shock, the mount shall show no evidence of
physical damage and shall meet the requirements of 3.7.5
through 3.10.
Vibration Vibration "A". When required the mount shall
withstand a total of 270 minutes 5 minutes of sweep-cycle
vibration. The vibration shall be applied for 90 minutes
2 minutes along each of three mutually perpendicular major
axes. A complete sweep-cycle shall consist of vibration from
origin (5 hz at 1 inch double amplitude) to mid-point (5 g'S
0.5 g's at 500 hz) to origin, and shall have a duration of 15
minutes 1 minute. Double amplitude shall be constant at 1
inch between 5 hz and 10 hz, and varied with frequency to
maintain a constant 5 g's 0.5 g's acceleration between 10 hz
and 500 hz. Upon completion of vibration, the mount shall
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