| MIL-M-48557A(AR)
requirement of 3.6g shall be measured directly from the
calibrated gunner's quadrant. The requirement shall be met
with the mount on Fixture 10549201 with the mounting surface
vertical and the keyway horizontal.
4.8.6 Elevation. With the mount positioned as specified in
3.5, rotate the fixture to elevate and depress the mount.
The elevation and depression excursion shall meet the minimum
travel limits as specified in 3.8.1. Place the calibrated
Gunner's Quadrant 8658940 on the Leveling Adapter, 10558253-11
and measure for the minimum elevation and minimum depression.
4.8.7 Deviation (plumb travel). This test can be performed
in conjunction with 4.8.6. Insert Sighting Device 10549200 to
the telescope's mounting surface. Affix leveling assembly
11836289 to sighting device and adjust level so that the bubble
in the level vial is centered when viewed through mirror of the
level vial holder, use this level throughout the test. (After
level vial is centered, do not readjust level for the rest of
the tet). Suspend a plumb-line of adequate height and
distance from the sight adapter (objective end). While
sighting through the adapter, energize the fixture to provide
the elevation specified in 3.8.1 and simultaneously track the
plumb line to the deviation requirements specified in 3.8.2.
Deviation shall be inspected throughout the total excursion
specified in 3.8.1.
4.8.8 Pitch level travel. Position the mount as specified
in 3.6 with Sighting Device 10549200 in the telescope mounting
surface. Assure that the cross-level vial is centered (zero
cant). Position the wall target (Figure 1) approximately 40
feet from the objective end of the sight adapter. Sight
through the sighting adapter and turn the pitch knob left until
full excursion has reached the specified travel in 3.8.3.
Return to the zero position. Repeat the above procedure in the
opposite direction.
4.8.9 Plumb travel (pitch). This test can be performed in
conjunction with 4.8.8. Place the vertical line of the reticle
in the sight adapter into coincidence with the vertical line of
the wall target (Figure 1). While testing for pitch excursion
(178 mils left and 178 mils right) observe plumb travel in
pitch direction to the limit specified in 3.8.4.
4.8.10 Backlash (pitch). With the mount positioned as
specified in 3.6, place a calibrated Gunner's Quadrant 8658940
on the telescope's mounting surface. Cross level the top
mounting surface by centering the bubbles of both level vials.
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