| ![]() MIL-L-48559A(AR) Shock. This test is applicable to the First
Article Samples and the Reliability Assurance Samples only. The
mount shall be positioned on Fixture 11747193 and secured to the
shock tester. The mount shall be subjected to a shock test in
accordance with 3.7.3. Upon completion of the shock, the mount
shall be examined and inspected to the requirements specified in
3.8 thru 3.9. Vibration "A". This test is applicable to the Re-
liability Assurance Sample only. The mount shall be positioned on
Fixture 11747193 and secured to the vibration tester. The mount
shall be subjected to a vibration test in accordance with
Upon completion of the vibration test, the mount shall be examined
and inspected to the requirements of 3.8 thru 3.9. Vibration "B". The mount shall be positioned on
Fixture 11747193 and vibrated in accordance with the frequency and
duration as specified in At the conclusion of the test,
the mount shall be subjected to a visual and tactile examination
and shall meet the requirements of 3.8 thru 3.9.
4.8 Mount alignment & test methods.
4.8.1 Orientation. Test fixture 10558253 shall be used for
the inspection of Mount M172. Position the test fixture on a
vibration free surface in accordance with the set-up instructions
outlined on Drawing 10558253. Wall target 10558253-13 shall be
positioned and fixed in a suitable area. Follow all set-up and
operating instructions prior to securinq the mount to the
fixture. The mount shall be orientated-as specified in paragraph
3.5 of this specification.
4.8.2 Alignment of locating surfaces. Surface for M18 Quadrant. Insert quadrant adapter
10558253-11 on the quadrant mounting surface of the mount. Place
calibrated gunners quadrant 8658940 on the adapter surface
perpendicular to the quadrant mounting surface and the mounting
keys of the mount. The surface of quadrant must be vertical and
parallel to the mounting surface within the requirement of as measured with the gunner's quadrant. Locating keys for M18 Quadrant. With adapter
10558253-11 positioned on the quadrant mounting surface of the
mount, place a calibrated gunners quadrant 8658940 on the adapter
surface parallel to the quadrant mounting surface and the mounting
keys of the mount. The locating keys for the quadrant shall be
parallel to the mounting surface of the mount within the
requirement of as measured with the gunner's quadrant.
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