| ![]() MIL-M-48885 (PA)
4.4.3 Testing Dispenser resistance test (dwg. 9296697) -
Major A Defect. - Each dispenser lot shall be tested 100
percent for the specified requirement in accordance with
4.5.1. Any dispenser classed defective shall be removed
from the lot.
4,4.3.2 Intervalometer test (dwg. 9296697) - Major A
Defect. - Each dispenser lot shall be tested 100 percent for
the specified requirements in accordance with 4.5.2. All
dispensers classed defective shall be removed from the lot. Container Leak Test (dwg. 9298956) - Major A
Defect. - Each completed CNU-79/E container assembly shall
be tested for the specified requirement in accordance with
4.5.3, Any container assembly classed defective shall be
removed from the lot.
4.4.4 Inspection Equipment. - The inspection equipment
required to perform the inspections and tests prescribed in
this specification Is identified in the `Paragraph Reference/
Inspection Method' column in the tables starting with para-
graph, and the test method paragraphs (see 4.5),
The contractor shall submit for approval, inspection equip-
ment designs in accordance with the terms of the contract.
See Section 6 of' MIL-A-48078, and 6.2 herein.
4.5 Test Methods and Procedures.
4.5.1 Dispenser resistance. - Each dispenser shall be
tested for the specified resistance in all positions using
the U.S.A.F. test, Set No. 24 AET-79 (Bomb, Dispenser test
set), dwg. 9209981 with a training canister containing a
two (2.0) ohm simulated M198 charge. A single canister may
be used by repositioning it in the next position between
readings. Any dispenser failing to comply with all of the
specified requirements shall be classed defective. Testing
is non-destructive and only accepted dispensers shall be
returned to the lot.
4.5.2 Intervalometer test. - Each dispenser shall be
tested for the specified requirement using the U.S.A.F. test
Set No. 24 AET-80 (Intervalometer test set), dwg. 9289146.
Any dispenser falling to comply with all of the specified
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