| ![]() MIL-M-52182E
4.5. 2.7.1 Test procedure, With the melter anchored by means other than the
tiedown being tested, apply the static loads specified in MIL-STD-209 to each
provision, Measure the dimensions of the tiedowns.
4, Failure criteria. Weld failure, permanent deformation of the
melter or its tiedown provisions, breakage of the previsions, or nonconformance
to MIL-STD-209 shall consititue failure if this test.
4.6 Inspection comparison. The Government may select asphalt melters at any
time during the contract period and subject these asphalt melteFs to the
examination specified in 4.5.1 and to the tests specified in through to determine conformance to the requirements of this specification. The
inspection will be performed by the Government at a site slected by the
Government on melters selected-at random from those which have been accepted by
the Government and will not include the previously inspected first article. In
addition to any test specified as part of the inspection comparison, the
Government reserves the right to conduct any and all other tests contained in
this specification as part of the inspection comparison, and failure Of such
additional tests shall have the same effect as failure of those tests specified
as inspection comparison.
4.6.1 Inspection failure. Failure of an inspection comparison melter to meet
any requirements specified herein during and as a result of the examination and
tests specified in 4.6 shall be cause for rejection of the inspection comparison
melter and shall be cause for refusal by the Government to continue acceptance
of production melters until evidence has been provided by the contractor that
corrective action has `been taken to eliminate the deficiencies. Correction of
such deficiencies shall be accomplished by the contractor at no cost to the
Government on melters previously accepted and produced under the contzact. Any
deficiencies found as a result of the inspection comparison will be considered
prima facie evidence that all melters accepted prior to the completion of
inspection comparison are similarly deficient unless evidence to the contrary is
furnished by the contractor and such evidence is acceptable to the contracting
Inspection of packaging.
4.7.1 Quality conformance inspection pack.
4.7,1.1 Unit of product. For the purpose of inspection, a completed pack
prepared for shipment shall be considered a unit of product. Sampling.
Sampling for examination shall be in accordance with
MIL-STD-105. Examination. Samples selected in accordance with 4.7,1.2 shall be
examined for the following defects. AQL shall be 2.5 percent defective.
Materials, methods, and containers not as specified for level A.
incorrect material, method, or container shall be considered one
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