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3.9.5 Landing jacks and jacklegs. Landing jacks shall be provided on
semitrailers and jacklegs on cart-type trailers for raising, leveling, and
supporting each vehicle, except hot-aggregate elevators and portable con-
veyor. The cart-type trailer for the hot-aggregate elevator shall be pro-
vided with jacklegs for support only. The landing jacks and jacklegs shall
be manually operated screw jacks or jacks with screw type equalizing feet,
and shall be permanently installed on the vehicle. The landing jacks and
jacklegs shall be of such strength, design, and location that coupling and
uncoupling the trailer with a towing vehicle will not cause stresses to
exceed the limit specified in 3.l.2. Operating jacks shall be furnished to
raise each vehicle into position for plant operation. The operating jacks
shall be either pemanently attached or removable* When the jacks are
removable, provisions shall be made for stowing the jacks on the vehicle.
operating jacks shall be of' such strength, design, and location that opera-
tion or the mixing plant under load till not cause stresses to exceed the
limit specified in 3.1.2. All jacks shall be equipped with square, metal,
mud pads having a ground bearing area of not less than 144 square inches,
and shall be interchangeable between all vehicles. Any jack may serve as
a combination landing jack or jackleg and operating jack, providing it meets
all requirements specified herein.
3.9.6 Running gear. The vehicle running gear shall be the stringless
type on cart-trailers and semitrailers. The axle, or the forward axle on
tandom axles, shall be in alinement with the longitudinal centerline of
the vehicle so that the two diagonal measurements from the center of the
lunette or kingpin to the outer center of each hub do not differ in excess
of 1/16 inch. The rear axle of tandem-axle asseblies shall be in aline-
ment with the front tandem axle so that the parallel measurements between
hub centers on each side do not differ in excess of 1/8 inch. Stub axles
or through axles may be furnished. The length of axle tubes or through
axles may be increased during manufacture providing the mounting pads are
increased at least an equal distance to insure that the structural rigidity
is equal to that of the axles shown on the standards and drawings. Each
cart-type trailer and semitrailer shall be equipped with wheel splash
fenders and splash guards which shall restrict water and other road-surface
substances thrown from the wheels. These components shall be in accordance
with SAE 3682, SAE J683, and MS51331. Tandem-axle suspensions. Suspensions shall withstand the imposed
loads without overload, permanent defamation, war, failure, or malfunction.
The components and the installation shall be as recommended by the suspension
manufacturer for use in severe, abnormal service. The mounting seats shall
be installed on the axle in accordance with the recommendations of the axle
manufacturer. Tandem-axle assemblies shall have divergent angular movement
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