| ![]() MIL-M-52329C Sprockets. Sprookets shall be of the split type and be
constructed of cast iron. The cast iron shall be cast with a chilled rim to
produce a surface hardness of' not less than 425 Brinnell, or shall be. class
40 cast iron conforming to ASTM A48 with a hardness of not less than 425
Brinnell. The sprockets shall be keyed to steel shafts which shall in turn
be keyed to gearboxes or other driving mechanisms. The sprockets shall be
assembled with the use of not less than four bolts per sprocket. Idler rollers. The bucket line shall be provided with at least
two idler rollers. The idler rollers shall be surface hardened to a Brinnell
hardness of 400 to 450. Idler rollers shall be double flanged and secured to
a steel shaft by means of key or set screw. Takeup adj ustment. A takeup adjustmentt of not less than 6 inches
shall be provided. The takeup mechanism shall consist of two acme thread
arrangements (one per side)* Takeup adjustments shall be supplied with both
adjustment nuts and locknuts.
3.15.3 Power transmission. Power shall be transmitted to a gearbox on the
elevator by means of a mechanical drive line from a outside power source.
3.15.4 Enclousure. The foot and upper run of the elevator shall be com-
pletely open. The return run shall be enclosed with removable, bolt-on
housings extending to approximately 5 feet from ground level when the cold-
aggregate elevator is in operating position. The enclosure shall be of
steel sheet not less than 0.100 inch thick.
3.15.5 Discharge spout A' discharge spout shall be provided for compati-
ble operation with the aggregate dryer drum feeders. The discharge spout
shall be constructed of steel sheet not less than 0.100 inch thick.
3.16 Aggregate dryer. The aggregate dryer shall consist of a single ro-
tating drum with feed or charging chute, oil burner, fuel pump, fuel piping,
combustion chamber, discharge chute, gearboxes, drives, accessories, and
instrumnts, and all other components necessary for the operation of the
dryer as specified herein.
3.16.1 Capac ity. The dryer shall have a capacity not less then that shown
in table I when drying aggregate to a discharge temperature between 290F.
and 310 F. and with the dried aggregate having a maximum residual surface
moisture content of 1/2 percent.
3.16.2 Drum. The dryer drum shall be a single cylinder constructed of
welded steel plate conforming to ASTM A440 not less then 1/4 inch in thickness.
The drum shall be provided with replaceable lifting flights bolted to the
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