| MIL-M-52329C
allowed to cool slowly. All bends of a major character shall be made with
metal dies or fixtures to insure uniformity of size and shape.
3.38.2 Bolted connections. AU threaded parts shall be in accordance
with Handbook H28. Washers and lockwashers or elastic stop nuts shall be
provided for all bolts. Nuts and screws shall be tight. Each toothed
lockwasher shall be attached to its bolt or screw.
3.38.3 Riveted connections. Rivets shall fill the holes completely.
The upset rivet heads shall be full, neatly made, concentric with the rivet
holes, and in full contact with the surface of the member and shall be in
accordance with SAE J492. Welders. Before assigning any welder to manual welding work
covered by this specification, the supplier shall provide the contracting
officer with certification that the welder has passed qualification tests
as prescribed by any of the following listed codes for the type of welding
operation to be performed and that such qualification is effective as de-
fined by the particular code:
Standard Qualification Procedure of the American Welding Society.
Welding Qualification of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
`.. Welding. The surfaces of parts tO be welded shall be free from
rust, scale, paint, grease, and other foreign matter. Welds shall transmit
stress without permanent deformation or failure when the parts connected
by the welds are subjected to proof and service loadings.
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