| ![]() MIL-M-53008(ME)
Color required when other than specified (see 3.7).
Time frame when camouflage pattern data (see 3.12) is required.
Data requirements (see and 4.1).
Test requirements (see 4.4.3).
Time frame required for submission of first article pack (see 5.1).
Degree of packing required (see 5.3).
* 6.2.2 Data requirements. When this specification is used in an acquisition
which incorporates a DD Form 1423, contract data requirements list (CDRL), the
data requirements identified below shall be developed as specified by an approved
data item description (DD Form 1664) and delivered in accordance with the
approved CDRL incorporated into the contract. When the provisions of DOD FAR
Supplement, Para 27, Sub-Part 27.410-6 are invoked and the DD Form 1423 is not
used, the data specified below shall be delivered by the contractor in accordance
with the contract or purchase order requirements. Deliverable data required by
this specification is cited in the following paragraphs:
Applicable DID No.
Data Requirements
Paragraph No.
Camouflage Pattern
(a) 3.12
(see figure 1)
Camouflage Pattern
(b) 3.12
(see figure 2)
* 6.3, lines 1, 2 and 3, delete "reproduction" and substitute "first article".
Add new paragraphs:
The contracting officer should arrange to
"6.5 Government-furnished property.
furnish the property listed in 3.12.
* 6.6 Lubricants. MIL-STD-838, Lubrication of Military Equipment, prescribes
the policy for using specification-type products wherever possible and provides
specific requirements for potential use of non-standard proprietary products.
MIL-STD-838 is implemented by MIL-HDBK-113, Guide for the Selection of Lubri-
cants, Fluids, Preservatives and Speciality Products for Use in Ground Equipment
Systems. The contracting officer should note that unless otherwise authorized
by the US Army Belvoir Research & Development Center (ATTN: STRBE-VF), Fort
Belvoir, VA 22060-5606, lubricants, fluids, and greases for ground equipment
systems must be restricted to those listed under MIL-HDBK-113, chapter 2.
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