| ![]() MIL-M-60903A (AR)
3.4 Reworking of markings.
3.4.1 Coaxial and multiconductor cables. Markings that have
been hot-stamped directly on the outer jacket of a cable or on an
identification sleeve may be reworked by hot-stamping the new "dash"
number (eg. -01) at the side of the obsolete designation. The old
designation shall not be removed. The surface of the insulation
shall be clean before hot-stamping the new designation. Example:
obsolete designation, "123456-00", reworked designation,
3.4.2 Cables with insulation sleeving. In the rework of
cables, where it is not necessary to remove the connector or insu-
lation sleeving, rework markings shall be made with identification
tapes (see 3.3). The operation shall be performed by loosening
the clamp and slipping the sleeving back along the bundle of wires.
If the obsolete marking is on tape, the old tape shall be removed
and replaced with new tape containing the new designation. If the
obsolete marking is hot-stamped on the sleeving, tape printed re-
currently with the new "dash" number (eg. -01) shall be applied
around the wires in proper location to appear beside and under the
hot-stamped marking (eg. XXXXXX-XX-01). The hot-stamped marking
shall not be removed. If it is necessary to remove the connector
or sleeving during rework. the rework markings may be made with
identification tapes, by hot-stamping new designations on the old
sleeving in a manner similar to that specified in 3.4.1, or by hot-
stamping a new sleeving.
3.5 Workmanship.
Hot-stamped markings shall be sharp and
clearly defined. The markings shall be applied in such a manner
as to be impressed no more than one-fourth the thickness of the
material and without damage to the insulation. The ink in the
markings shall be adherent. Identification tapes and sleeves
shall be neatly applied using good workmanship.
4.1 Inspection. The marked material shall be checked to as-
certain that the markings are impressed to provide a permanent mark-
ing and that the insulation has not been damaged in the marking
process. The adhesion of the ink shall be tested by rubbing the
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