| ![]() MIL-M-63330 (AR)
3.3 Environmental service conditions.
3.3.1 Storage temperatures. The mount shall show no evidence
of physical failure, such as cement separation, glass breakage, or
casting failure after having been0 exposed and thermally stabilized
at temperatures of -80 and +160 Fahrenheit (F).
3.3.2 Extreme operating temperatures. The mount shall be
operable (3.19 and 3.19.1) at temperatures of -65 to +150 F.
3.3.3 Standard ambient temperatures. Unless otherwise
specified, the mount shall meet the requirements of 3.4 through
3.21, at standard ambient temperatures between 60 and 90 F.
3.4 Vibration. The mount shall show no evidence of physical
failure due to being vibrated successively along three (3) mutually
perpendicular axes. Vibration shall be a simple harmonic motion,
the frequency varying either Iineraly or logarithmically from 5 to
55 to 5 CPS in five minute cycles for a total of 15 minutes along
each of the axes. The amplitude of vibration shall be maintained
constant at 1/64 inch (1/32 inch total excursion). Following the
vibration test the mount shall meet all subsequent requirements.
3.5 Cleanliness.
3.5.1 Dirt. Inspection for dirt and foreign particles (classed
as dirt) shall be made with the unaided eye from both ends of the
mount by transmitted and reflected light. The maximum size of any
visible particle on the glass surfaces shall be 1/8 inch. The total
number of particles shall not exceed five (5). The total number of
particles on any one (1) glass component shall not exceed two (2).
Dirt particles smaller than 1/32 inch shall be ignored regardless of
3.5.2 Other defects. There shall be no evidence of moisture,
grease, fingerprints or fractures when viewing through either end of
the mount by transmitted and reflected light.
The mount shall show no evidence of leakage in
3.6 Sealing
excess of0 . 2 pound per square inch gage when subjected to an
internal pressure of 5 + 0.10 pound per square inch (psig) for a
minimum of 2 hours.
3.7 Telescope and tracker mounting features.
3.7.1 Orientation. The mount shall be positioned with the
telescope mounting surface of the mount in a vertical plane and the
locating keyway for the telescope at the six o'clock position.
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