| MIL-M-63330 (AR)
3.18 Projected checksight image beam. From the position
established in 3.8.2 the image of the checksight beam, when viewed
along the tracker axis shall be circular and shall have a diameter
of angular subtense of 1.0 + .00 minus (-) .05 mil.
The telescope locking lever, the checksight
3.19 Operability
levers (ERROR AND ALIGN), and the diaphragm adjusting screws, AZ and
EL, shall be mechanically operable over their full excursion of
travel. The torque required to latch the ALIGN lever (full
clockwise position) shall be 11 + 3 inch pounds.
3.19.1 Porro prism. When the ALIGN lever is in the maximum
clockwise position,
the porro prism shall be in the optical path of
tracker and the pilot light shall be illuminated. When the ALIGN
lever is moved to the maximum counter-clockwise position, the porro
prism shall be completely removed from the optical path and the
pilot light shall be extinguished.
3.20 Electrical.
3.20.1 Checksight illumination. With the checksight lamp
energized, the diaphragm shall appear clearly defined when viewed
through the exit windows of the mount. The current draw of the lamp
shall 0.080 + 0.002 amperes.
The circuitry of the mount shall be in
3.20.2 Circuitry
accordance with the electrical schematic drawings.
3.20.3 Dielectric strength. There shall be no puncture of
insulation, no sparkover, no decrease in dielectric strength when
the insulated areas of the circuitry are subjected to an alternating
current (at) root mean square (rms) potential of 500 volts plus
twice the rated voltage at a frequency of 60 cps for a period of 15
seconds + 5 seconds.
3.20.4 Insulation resistance. Unless otherwise specified on
applicable drawings, all insulation between ungrounded circuits and
ground, and between isolated circuits, shall have a minimum
resistance of 100 megohms with 500V dc applied.
3.21 Interior atmosphere. The interior atmosphere of the
optical section of the mount 0 shall contain nitrogen having a dew
point at least as low as -25 F and the internal pressure of the
mount shall be 3 psi + 0.5 psi.
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