| ![]() MIL-M-63330 (AR)
light, unless otherwise specified. The light source for projecting
the target pattern shall be capable of varied intensity, as
required, when projecting the target image into the observation
telescope located at the rear of the mount in line with the missile
tracker cavity. The target projector shall be autocollimated to the
vertical telescope mounting surface of the mount, The testing
equipment shall also provide an observation telescope positioned at
the rear of the mount, in line with the missile tracker cavity, for
measuring the optical accuracies of the missile tracker system. The
observation telescope shall be at least 10 power (1OX) with at least
a 2.0 inch entrance pupil, and employ an image erecting system. The
telescope shall have an objective focusing capability from infinity
down to 500 meters. The telescopic system shall be capable of
measuring angles in azimuth and elevation with an accuracy of 2.0
seconds of arc. This telescope shall be autocollimated to the
vertical telescope mounting surface of the mount. The testing
equipment shall also provide an observation telescope positioned at
the rear of the mount, in line with the telescope cavity, for
measuring the optical accuracies of the telescope system. This
observation telescope shall be at least 6 power (6X) with at least a
2.0 inch entrance pupil. The telescopic system shall be capable of
measuring the optical accuracies of the telescope system within an
accuracy of 20.0 seconds of arc. The telescope shall be adjusted
for best focus of the target image. The telescope shall be
autocollimated to the vertical of the telescope mounting surface of
the mount. The vertical reticle line of each observation telescope
and the vertical target image line shall be plumb. Autocollimation
and alignment of the target projector shall be accomplished with the
mount removed from the line of sight through the telescopes to
target. The equipment shall be equipped with a power supply capable
of energizing the chopper motor with 115 volts ac + 6.0 volts RMS at
a frequency of 400 cycles per second within + 0.4 cycles. The
testing equipment shall also be equipped with a power supply capable
of energizing a checksight lamp with a voltage of 14 + 0.5 VDC and
at a current of 0.080 amp + .002 amps. The 14 + 0.5 VDC for the
checksight lamp and the 18 VDC to 28 VDC shall be supplied from the
same power source utilizing a voltage divider or other suitable
method in order to have a common ground connection from one power
supply. Signal frequency. The testing equipment utilized to
perform this test shall be capable of recording light pulsation
accuracy within + 3 pulses to determine compliance with tolerances
specified in 3.14 for light pulsations.
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