| ![]() MIL-M-63330(AR) Diaphragm adjustment, azimuth. Perform this test with
the ALIGN and ERROR levers positioned as specified in, and
the chopper motor and checksight lamp energized. While viewing
through the telescope positioned at the missile tracker cavity,
rotate the AZ boresight knob to its maximum clockwise position.
Record the position (mils) of the checksight image beam, as measured
with the telescope reticle. Rotate the AZ boresight knob to its
maximum counterclockwise position. Again record the position (mils)
of the checksight beam image. The recorded amount of left and right
azimuth adjustment of the checksight image beam, from the position
established in, shall not be less than, or greater than the
values specified in 3.15.2. The checksight image beam shall move in
a horizontal plane as specified in 3.15.2, as indicated by the
horizontal reticle line of the telescope. Checkslght lens. Perform this test with the
checksight image beam in the position established in Set
the target projector collimator at the range specified in 3.16, and
project the target image into the optical system of the mount. View
through the telescope positioned at the missile tracker cavity and
obtain coincidence of its horizontal and vertical reticle line with
the horizontal and vertical target image lines. Rotate the ALIGN
lever to its maximum clockwise position, and the ERROR lever to its
maximum counterclockwise position. Energize the chopper motor and
checksight lamp. Again view through the reticle boresight point of
the observation telescope positioned at the tracker cavity and
observe the checksight image beam. The checksight lens shall be in
correct adjustment, as required in 3.16, when the checksight image
beam in the center of the field is parallax free. Parallax is
recognized as any apparent movement of the checksight image beam
with respect to the target image, when the observer's head is moved
slowly from side to side or up and down. An appropriate aperture
stop for the observation telescope may be utilized for this test.
Return the target projector collimator to infinity focus upon
successful completion of this test. Projected checksight image beam. Position and orient
the mount as in 4.6.13. Perform this test with the ALIGN lever in
its maximum clockwise position and the ERROR lever in its maximum
counterclockwise position. Energize the chopper motor and the
checksight lamp. View through the observation telescope at the
tracker cavity. The checksight image beam shall be positioned as
specified in While viewing through the observation
telescope, the image checksight beam shall conform to the
requirements of 3.18, as measured with the telescope reticle.
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