| ![]() MIL-M-63457A(AR)
3.5 Explosive output performance
3.5.1 Pretest of booster explosive. Each lot of Booster
Explosive used to manufacture booster shall be qualified prior to
use in production. The Booster (Dwg. 9277827) when initiated, shall
result in high order detonation of the Main Charge and perforation
of one (1) inch thick and a one-half (1/2) inch thick hot rolled
steel plates spaced apart, and shall produce span on subsequent
witness plates (see 4.5.3). Span is defined as any evidence of
particle indentation on the third plate.
3.5.2 Pretest of main charge explosive. Each lot of Main
Charge Explosive used to manufacture main charges shall be qualified
prior to use in production. The Main Charge (Dwg. 9278018) when
initiated by the Booster, shall produce a high order detonation and
perforation of one (1) inch thick and a one-half (1/2) inch thick
hot rolled steel plates spaced apart and shall produce span on
subsequent witness plates (see 4.5.3). Span is defined as any
evidence of particle indentation on the third plate.
3.6 Mine functioning. The mines, after initiation and impact
(see 4.4.5 and 6.6), shall function as follows:
3.6.1 Arming delay. The mine shall arm upon the elapse of the
electronic arm time (Arming actuator output) specified on Dwg.
9332388, as evidenced by functioning of the piston actuator.
3.6.2 Tactical HE mines. The mines shall be capable of
functioning in the prime target sensor mode against a target, and in
self-destruct mode. Prime target sensor mode functioning. The armed mine
subjected to a valid target signature shall produce a high order
detonation and perforation of one (1) inch thick and one-half (1/2)
inch thick hot rolled steel plate spaced apart, and shall produce
span on subsequent witness plates (See 4.5.3). Span is defined as
any evidence of particle indentation on the third witness plate. Self-destruct (SD) function. The armed mine shall
function properly within the self destruct time specified on Dwg.
9332388, as evidence by high order detonation of the main charge
after initiation and impact.
3.6.3 Functioning after maximum time. The armed mines which
fail to self destruct (SD) after the maximum (max.) set SD time as
specified on Dwg. 9332388 has elapsed, shall not be capable of being
functioned by target sensor, self destruct or any other stimuli.
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