| ![]() MIL-M-63530 (AR)
4.4.3 Testing. Testing is described in the first article and quality
conformance inspection "Classification of Defects and Tests" forms and below. Electrical parameters @ 25 5C testing. Each device
shall be tested ior compliance with the requirements listed in Table II. Any
device classified as defective shall be removed from the lot. Testing sequence. The order of group testing shall be A, B, and
C: Only lots that passed Group A tests shall be submitted for Group B
testing, and only lots that passed Group B tests shall be submitted for Group
C testing. Group A testing. Random samples from each inspection lot shall
be selected, in accordance with this specification, and tested at the minimum
and maximum temperatures for compliance with the requirements listed in Table
II. An inspection lot which fails the Group A test shall be classified as
defective until all the defective devices within the lot are identified and
removed by subjecting all the. devices in the lot to the Group A test. Group B testing, Random samples from each inspection lot that
passed Group A tests shall be selected and tested for compliance with the
requirements of the Group B tests in accordance with this specification. An
inspection lot shall not be shipped if the devices of any subgroup of the
Group B test fail to comply with all of the specified requirements. Group C testing. Group C tests shall be performed on a
continuing schedule of at least once every ninety (90) days while the device
is being produced. Randam samples from one inspection lot that passed Group B
tests shall be selected and tested for compliance with the requirements of the
Group C tests in accordance with this specifications. Further inspection Lots
shall not be shipped if the devices of any subgroup of the Group C tests fail
to comply with all of the specified requirements.
4.4.4 Inspection equipment. The inspection equipment required to perform
the examination and tests prescribed herein is identified in the
Classification of Defects and Tests Forms and in 4.5 herein. The contractor
shall submit for approval inspection equipment designs, including alternate
equivalent design whit'n he may desire to use, in accordance with the terms of
the contract. See MIL-M-38510 and 6.3 herein.
4.5 Test methods, circuits and procedures.
4.5.1 Alternate methods, circuits and procedures.
Unless otherwise
stated in the specific test method, the methods and circuits shown are given
as basic measurement method. For alternate methods, circuits and procedure
the manufacturer shall demonstrate to the procuring activity that alternates
which he may desire and propose to use are equivalent and give results within
the desired accuracy or measurement (see 6.3).
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