| MIL-M-70542 (AR)
Muzzle Boresight Device (M26 for 105MM
Gun Tube).
Test and Alignment Fixture for M26 MBD
Packaging Data Sheet
Packaging of Muzzle Boresight Device
(M26 for 105MM Gun Tube).
(Copies of specifications, standards, handbooks, drawings, and publi-
cations required by manufacturers in connection with specific acquisi-
tion functions should be obtained from the contracting activity or as
directed by the contracting officer.)
3.1 Fabrication. The MBD shall be manufactured in accordance
with Drawing 11785384 and drawings pertaining thereto and, when
assembled, shall meet the requirements of this specification.
The provisions of MIL-F-13926 apply.
3.2 General specification.
Standard Ambient conditions shall be
3.2.1 Ambient conditions.
as follows:
73 + 18 F
a. Temperature
50 percent + 30 percent
b. Relative humidity
28.5 + 2.0- 3.0 in. Hg.
c. Atmospheric pressure
3.3 First article inspection. This specification contains tech-
nical provisions for first article inspection. Requirements for the
submission of first article samples by the contractor shall be as spe-
cified in the contract.
3.4 Cleanliness.
a. Defects. There shall be no evidence of moisture, grease,
condensates, fractures, and adhesive separations on any glass com-
ponent when viewing either through the eyepiece or objective end.
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