| MIL-M-70542 (AR)
TABLE IV. Environmental tests.
4.7.4 Performance tests. Collimation test method. Collimation error shall be
measured by viewing through the eyepiece of the MBD and comparing the
coincidence of the reticle boresight reference to the projected reticle
image of the Collimation/Parallax test fixture. The accuracy is
determined by comparing the MBD reticle reference point to the pro-
jected reticle pattern. Collimation is met when collimation error is
within 50 seconds. Parallax test method. Parallax shall be measured by
viewing through the eyepiece of the MBD and observing the apparent
displacement between the MBD reticle and the projected reticle image
of the Collimation/Parallax test fixture as the observer moves his eye
from side to side or up and down. The accuracy is determined by com-
paring the displacement to the reticle pattern marking. Maximum
allowable parallax error is 10 seconds. Repeatability/collimation. Repeatability/collimation test fixture. The
collimation/parallax test fixture or gun tube is to be used for the
image repeatability test. Repeatability/collimation measurement. The collimation
error is noted with the MBD inserted in the Collimation/Parallax Test
Fixture. Unit will be withdrawn then reinserted into gun tube or test
fixture. The collimation error is noted and compared to the initial
reading. Repeatability within 30 seconds is acceptable. Both
measurements must meet the collimation requirement of 3.5.1.
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