| ![]() MIL-M-70765 (AR)
Testing is described in the First Article
4.4.3 Testing.
and Quality Conformance Inspection Tables.
4.4.4 Inspection equipment. The inspection equipment
required to perform the examination and tests prescribed herein is
described in the "Paragraph Reference/Inspection Method" column in
the tables starting with paragraph The contractor shall
submit inspection equipment designs for approval in accordance
with the terms of the contract. See Section 6 of MIL-A-48078.
4.5 Methods of inspection.
4.5.1 Quality controls for each molding compound batch for
assembling plugs to housings. Molding compound batch definition. A batch of
molding compound is herein defined as that quantity of compound
mixed at one time using base resin and hardener from one lot
interfix number from one manufacturer and used to assemble plugs
to housings in one unchanged process. When a continuous type
mixing process is used, a batch is defined as that quantity of
molding compound mixed and dispensed in one continuous unchanged
process during a four (4) hour period or portion thereof using
base resin and hardener from one lot interfix number from one
manufacturer. Resin/hardener weight ration control.
a. Hand mixing: For each batch of molding compound mixed
at one time, the hardener and resin shall be weighed
separately to verify that the ratio is between 1.8/1 and 2.2/1
before use.
b. Automatic mixer method: At the beginning of production
and one each four (4) hours during production? two test shots
shall be drawn with the mixer set to expel the hardener and
resin separately. The hardener and resin shall be weighed to
verify that the ratio is between 1.8/1 and 2.2/1. If the
shots fail to meet the requirement, all wedges filled since
the last acceptable test shall be rejected. Further, the
mixer shall be corrected and shall pass the above test before
being returned to use.
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